Saturday, December 28, 2019
Abby Wambach commencement speech to Barnards Class of 2018
Abby Wambach commencement speech to Barnards Class of 2018Abby Wambach commencement speech to Barnards Class of 2018Below is the transcript (and video) of soccer star Abby Wambachs commencement speech to Barnards Class of 2018Greetings to President Beilock, Provost, Dean, Barnard faculty, trustees, and honorees Katzu sichbeiine Johnson, Anna Quindlen, and Rhea Suh. And to each of the 619 badass women of the Barnard graduating class of 2018 Congratulations, you guys, congratulationsDoesnt it feel like the second you figure anything out in life, it ends and youre forced to start all over again? Experts call ansicht times of life, transitions. I call them terrifying. I went through a terrifying transition recently when I retired from soccer.The world tries to distract us from our fear during these transitions by creating fancy ceremonies for us. This is your fancy ceremony. Mine welches the ESPYs, a nationally televised sports award show. I had to get dressed up for that, just like you got dressed up for this. But they sent me a really expensive fancy stylist. It doesnt look like you guys got one. Sorry about that.So it went like this ESPN called and told me they were going to honor me with their inaugural icon award. I was humbled, of course, to be regarded as an icon. Did I mention that Im an icon?I received my award along with two other incredible athletes basketballs Kobe Bryant and footballs Peyton Manning. We all stood on stage together and watched the highlights of our careers with the cameras rolling and the fans cheering, and I looked around and had a moment of awe. I felt so grateful to be there, included in the company of Kobe and Peyton. I had a momentary feeling of having arrived - like we women had finally made it.Then the applause ended and it was time for the three of us to exit stage left. And as I watched those men walk off the stage, it dawned on me that the three of us were stepping into very different futures.Each of us, Kobe, Peyton and I - we made the same sacrifices, we shed the same amount of blood sweat and tears, wed left it all on the field for decades with the same ferocity, talent and commitment. But our retirements wouldnt be the same at all. Because Kobe and Peyton walked away from their careers with something I didnt have enormous bank accounts. Because of that, they had something else I didnt have freedom. Their hustling days were over, and mine were just beginning.Later that night, back in my hotel room, I laid in bed and thought this isnt just about me, and this isnt just about soccer. We talk a lot about the pay gap. We talk about how, overall, U.S. women earn 80 cents for every dollar paid to men. Black women in America earn 63 cents, while Latinas earn 54 cents, for every dollar paid to white men. What we need to talk about more is the aggregate and compounding effects of the pay gap on womens lives. Over time, the pay gap means women are able to invest less and save less, so they have to work longer. When we talk about what the pay gap costs us, lets be clear it costs us our very lives.And it hit me that Id spent most of my time during my career the same way Id spent my time on that ESPYs stage. Just feeling grateful. Grateful to be one of the only women to have a seat at the table. I was so grateful to receive any respect at all for myself that I often missed opportunities to demand equality for all of us. But as you know, women of Barnard, change is here. Women are learning that we can be grateful for what we have and also demand what we deserve.Itscommencement seasonFollow LaddersCommencement Addresses magazine on Flipboardto watch and read all of the most inspiring speeches from this year and years past.Like all little girls, I was taught to be grateful. I was taught to keep my head down, stay on the path, and get my job done. I was freaking Little Red Riding Hood. You know the fairy tale. Its just one iteration of the warning stories girls are told the world over. Little R ed Riding Hood heads off through the woods and is given strict instructions Stay on the path. Dont talk to anybody. Keep your head down hidden underneath your Handmaids Tale cape.And she doesat first. But then she dares to get a little curious and she ventures off the path. Thats, of course, when she encounters the big bad wolf and all hell breaks loose. The message is clear Dont be curious, dont make trouble, dont say too much or bad things will happen. I stayed on the path out of fear- not of being eaten by a wolf- but of being cut, being benched, losing my paycheck. If I could go back and tell my younger self one thing it would be this Abby, You were never Little Red Riding Hood, you were always the wolf.So when I was entrusted with the honor of speaking here today, I decided that the most important thing for me to say to you, is this Barnard women, class of 2018, we are the wolves.In 1995, around the year of your birth, wolves were re-introduced into Yellowstone National Park af ter being absent for 70 years. In those years, the number of deer had skyrocketed because they were unchallenged, alone at the top of the food chain. They grazed away and reduced the vegetation, so much that the riverbanks were eroding.Once the wolves arrived, they thinned out the deer through hunting. But more significantly, their presence changed the behavior of the deer. Wisely, the deer started avoiding the valleys and the vegetation in those places regenerated. Trees quintupled in just six years. Birds and beavers started moving in. The river dams the beavers built provided habitats for otters and ducks and fish. The animal ecosystem regenerated. But that wasnt all. The rivers actually changed as well. The plant regeneration stabilized the riverbanks so they stopped collapsing. The rivers steadied - all because of the wolves presence.See what happened here? The wolves - who were feared as a threat to the system - turned out to be its salvation. Barnard Women, are yall pickin g up what Im laying down here? Women are feared as a threat to our system - and we will also be our salvation.Our landscape is overrun with archaic ways of thinking about women, about people of color, about the other, about the rich and the poor, about the powerful and the powerless. And these ways of thinking are destroying us. We are the ones weve been waiting for. We will not Little Red Riding hood our way through life. We will unite our pack, storm the valley together and change the whole bloody system.Throughout my life, my pack has been my gruppe. Teams need a unifying structure, and the best way to create one collective heartbeat is to establish rules for your team to live by. It doesnt matter what specific page youre all on, just as long as youre all on the same one.Here are four rules Ive used to unite my pack and lead them to goldRule No. 1 Make failure your fuel.Heres something the best athletes understand, but seems like a harder concept for non-athletes to grasp. Non-a thletes dont know what to do with the gift of failure. So they hide it, pretend it never happened, reject it outright, and they end up wasting it.Listen Failure is not something to be ashamed of, its something to be powered by. Failure is the highest octane fuel your life can run on. You gotta learn to make failure your fuel.When I was on the youth national team, only dreaming of playing alongside Mia Hamm Yall know her? Good. I had the opportunity to visit the national teams lax room. The thing that struck me most wasnt my heroes grass stained cleats, or their names and numbers hanging above their lockers. It was a picture. It was a picture that someone had taped next to the door, so that it would be the last thing every player saw before she headed out to the training pitch. You might guess it was a picture of their last big win, or of them standing on a podium accepting gold medals. But it wasnt. It was a picture of their long time rival, the Norwegian national team celebrating after having just beaten the USA in the 1995 World Cup.In that locker room I learned that in order to become my very best - on the pitch and off - Id need to spend my life letting the feelings and lessons of failure transform into my power. Failure is fuel. Fuel is power.Women listen to me. We must embrace failure as our fuel instead of accepting it as our destruction. As Michelle Obamarecently said, I wish that girls could fail as well as men do and be OK. Because let me tell you watching men fail up, its frustrating. Its frustrating to see men blow it and win. And we hold ourselves to these crazy, crazy standards.hautwolf Pack Fail up, blow it and win.Rule No. 2 Lead from the bench.Imagine this Youve scored more goals than any human being on the planet - female or male. Youve co-captained and led Team USA in almost every category for the past decade. And you and your coach sit down and decide together that you wont be a anlasser in your last World Cup for Team USA. So, that suc ked.Youll feel benched sometimes, too. Youll be passed over for the promotion, taken off the project. You might even find yourself holding a baby instead of briefcase, watching your colleagues get ahead. Heres whats important. Youre allowed to be disappointed when it feels like lifes benched you. What you arent allowed to do is miss your opportunity to lead from the bench. During that last World Cup, my teammates told me that my presence, my support, my vocal and relentless belief in them from the bench, is what gave them the confidence they needed to win us that championship.If youre not a leader on the bench, then dont call yourself a leader on the field. Youre either a leader everywhere or nowhere. And by the way, the fiercest leading Ive ever seen has been done between mother and child. Parenting is no bench. It just might be the big game.Wolf Pack Wherever youre put, lead from there.Rule No. 3 Champion each other.During every 90-minute soccer match there are a few magical momen ts when the ball actually hits the back of the net and a goal is scored. When this happens, it means that everything has come together perfectly - the perfect pass, the perfectly timed run, every player in the right place at exactly the right time - all of this culminating in a moment in which one player scores that goal.What happens next on the field is what transforms a bunch of individual women into a team. Teammates from all over the field rush toward the goal scorer. It appears that were celebrating her, but what were really celebrating is every player, every coach, every practice, every sprint, every doubt and even every failure that this one single goal represents. You will not always be the goal scorer. And when you are not, you better be rushing toward her.Women must champion each other. This can be difficult for us. Women have been pitted against each other since the beginning of time, for that one seat at the table. Scarcity has been planted inside of us and among us. T his scarcity is not our fault, but it is our problem. And it is within our power to create abundance for women where scarcity used to live.As you go out into the world, amplify each others voices. Demand seats for women, people of color and all marginalized people at every table where decisions are made. Call out each others wins and, just like we do on the field, claim the success of one woman as a collective success for all women.Joy. Success. Power. These are not pies where a bigger slice for her means a smaller slice for you. These are infinite. In any revolution, the way to make something true starts with believing it is. Lets claim infinite joy, success, and power - together.Wolf Pack Her victory is your victory. Celebrate it.Fourth rule Demand the ball.When I was a teenager, I was lucky enough to play with one of my heroes, Michelle Akers. She needed a place to train since there was not yet a womens professional league. Michelle was tall like I am, built like Id be built and the most courageous soccer player Id ever seen play. She personified every one of my dreams.We were playing a small-sided scrimmage - five against five. We were 18 years old and she was Michelle Akers, a chiseled, 30-year-old powerhouse. For the first three quarters of the game, she was taking it easy on us, coaching us, teaching us about spacing, timing and the tactics of the game.But by the fourth quarter, she realized that because of all of this coaching, her team was losing by three goals. In that moment, a light switched on inside of her. She ran back to the goalkeeper, stood one yard away from her and screamed Give. Me. The. Effing. Ball.And the goalkeeper gave her the effing ball. And she took that ball and she dribbled through our entire effing team, and she scored. Now this game was winners keepers, so if you scored you got the ball back.So, as soon as Michelle scored, she ran back to her goalie, stood a yard away from her and screamed Give. Me. The.Ball.The keeper did. A nd again she dribbled though us and scored. And then she did it again. She took her team to victory. Michelle Akers knew what her team needed from her at every moment of the game. Dont forget, until the fourth quarter, leadership had required Michelle to help, support and teach, but eventually leadership called her to demand the ball.Wolf Pack At this moment in history, leadership is calling us to sayGive me the effing ball.Give me the effing job.Give me the same pay the guy next to me gets.Give me the promotion.Give me the microphone.Give me the Oval Office.Give me the respect Ive earned, and give it to my wolf pack too.In closing, I want to leave you with the most important thing I have learned since leaving soccer. When I retired, my sponsor, Gatorade, surprised me at a meeting with the plan for mysend off commercial. The message was this Forget Me. They nailed it. They knew I wanted my legacy to be ensuring the future success of the sport Id dedicated my life to. If my name were forgotten, that would mean that the women who came behind me were breaking records, winning championships and pushing the game to new heights. When I shot that commercial, I cried.A year later, I found myself coaching my 10-year-old daughters soccer team. Id coached them all the way to the championship. (humblebrag) One day I was warming up the team, doing a little shooting drill. I was telling them a story about when I retired. And one of those little girls looked up to me and said, So what did you retire from? And I looked down at her and said, Soccer. And she said, Oh. Who did you play for? And I said The United States of America. And she said Oh. Does that mean that you know Alex Morgan? Be careful what you wish for, Barnard. They forgot me.But thats OK. Being forgotten in my retirement didnt scare me. What scared me was losing the identity the game gave me. I defined myself as Abby Wambach, soccer player - the one who showed up and gave 100 percent to my team and fought along side my wolf pack to make a better future for the next generation. Without soccer, who would I be? A few months after retirement, I began creating my new life. I met Glennon and our three children, and I became a wife, a mother, a geschftliches miteinander owner and an activist. And you know who I am now? Im still the same Abby. I still show up and give 100 percent - now to my new pack, and I still fight every day to make a better future for the next generation.You see, soccer didnt make me who I was. I brought who I was to soccer. And I get to bring who I am wherever I go. And guess what? So do you. As you leave here today and every day going forward, dont just ask yourself, what do I want to do? Ask yourself, who do I want to be? Because the most important thing Ive learned is that what you do will never define you. Who you are always will. And who you are, Barnard women, are the wolves.Surrounding you today is your wolf pack. Look around. Go ahead, you can do it. Dont lose each other. Leave these sacred grounds united, storm the valleys together, and be our salvation.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Junior Accountant Job Description Sample
juniorchef Accountant Job Description SampleJunior Accountant Job Description SampleJunior Accountant Job Description SampleThis junior accountant sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Junior Accountant Job ResponsibilitiesProvides financial information by maintaining and reconciling accounts preparing reports.Junior Accountant Job DutiesMaintains financial records for subsidiary companies by analyzing balance sheets and general ledger accounts.Reconciles general and subsidiary bank accounts by gathering and balancing information.Provides financial status information by preparing special reports completing special projects.Corrects errors by posting adjusting journal entries.Maintains general ledger accounts by reconciling accounts receivable detail and control accounts adjusting entries for amort izations prepaids analyzing and reconciling retainage and accounts payable ledgers preparing fixed asset depreciation and accruals.Secures financial information by completing database backups keeping information confidential.Maintains accounting controls by following policies and procedures complying with federal, state, and local financial legal requirements.Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications.Accomplishes accounting and organization mission by completing related results as needed.Junior Accountant Skills and QualificationsGeneral Math Skills, Accounting, Deadline-Oriented, Reporting Skills, Attention to Detail, SFAS Rules, Confidentiality, Coordination, Thoroughness, Quality Focus, ObjectivityEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Junior Accountant Jobs and apply on now. Learn more aboutthe hiring processVideo How to Conduct an InterviewMake the most of Hiring ToolsMaximiz e your Job Description Results
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Promoting Workplace Ethics that Align with the Vision Statement
Promoting Workplace Ethics that Align with the Vision StatementPromoting Workplace Ethics that Align with the Vision StatementPromoting Workplace Ethics that Align with the Vision Statement DezubeNearly every company has a vision statement. Yet far fewer companies have a value statement that will guide employee behavior.A failure to include company values and work ethics in the vision statement, or to ensure its compliance, can lead to a host of issues, from lost revenue to corporate malfeasance.Why Work Ethics MatterTodays world of fluid social networking, means that its no longer sufficient to simply have a company mission statement. The need is compounded by the growth of global recruitmentthat involves divergent local customs and social norms as well as the ascendance of Gen Y workers who bring a new set of behavioral expectations to the workplace.Today, organizations need to establish and integrate company values into their company mission statement and into its day-to-day opera tions, including their hiring process, as well as in annual performance reviews and as making it part of professional talent development.Were like fishes in a bowl, says Nan DeMars, author of Youve Got to be Kidding How to Keep Your Job Without Losing Your Integrity.Everyone is watching what corporations and employees are doing and ethics has an important role to play.Work ethics will help your firmRecruit and retain employee whose personal values align with company valuesBuild a robust talent management strategyReward and recognize employees for making ethical decisionsProtect your companys global reputationWorkplace Ethics Cross Cultural BordersWhile it may seem that work ethics are situational and local, Ethics and einhaltung Officer AssociationsCOO Tim Mazur points out six values common to all cultures1.Trustworthiness2.Responsibility3.Civic virtue (what we call citizenship in US)4.Caring5.Justice (or fairness in some languages)6.RespectBeyond these universal values, your organ izations work ethics and beliefs should be specific to your industry and mission.Once youve identified your company values, the process of identifying your workplace ethics can follow a more standardized process, Mazur says.Creating your Work EthicsFor each value, come up with at least five concrete principles that will guide employee decisions as well as employee performance reviews, adds Mazur. Each principal should include a subject, verb and object as part of the statement.For example, a utility company whose employees work on power lines might create a company value of respect for safety. Going deeper into what this means for employees on a daily basis, one of the utilitys ethics principles might beEmployees will not cross roads on foot.That might then be tempered with a second principleNo operating statement or urgency of service will prevent an employee from saving a life or saving another employee from harm.The specificity of your organizations workplace ethics will ensure t hat company values truly play a role during the evaluation and review process. For example, its much easier for a supervisor to evaluate whether an employee put himself in danger by crossing the street than it is to say whether he respected proper safety rules.Going beyond rules, the Ethics Resource Centerrecommends focusing on encouraging positive behaviors, such as setting a good example, keeping promises and commitments and supporting others in adhering to workplace ethical standards.Communicate Company EthicsOnce your companys values are translated into actionable form, they need to be communicated.Where youre really going to get the meat of this is in your employee handbook, DeMars says. Employees need a blueprint. They need to know what they can and cannot do and it has to be specific.The best employee handbooks also include ethical QAs on issues that confront all organizations, such as confidentiality, vendor relationships, accountability, and harassment.Also, be sure to inco rporate your company values into recruiting materials and into the interview processand employee development programs.Employees at all levels of the organization will also benefit from tailored corporate values training from the board of directors and senior managers, to line managers, ERC recommends.Tracking Ethics ComplianceUnless your organization plans to use its vision statement solely as a decorative poster in the reception area, it will need a method for tracking compliance, options for reporting infractions safely and accountability for ethics violations.The problem is, in many cases senior managers around the world make decisions that are not in alignment with the corporations stated ethical standards,says Mike Boyd, a senior lecturer of management Bentley University and president of HR strategy consulting firm Boyd Associates. Once one manager does that, everyone says the company values are just a nice statement to put on the wall, adds Boyd.Your company values will remain a nice statement on the wall when a whistleblower shares the senior managers ethical lapses with the world.One effective preventative against unethical employee behavior is an open line of communication for reporting violations. The Ethics Resource Center estimates 95 percent of whistleblowers tried to work out the issue within the system before going public.Employees need to know their work ethics concerns will be taken seriously and kept confidential they need to feel that there will be no repercussions for coming forward, DeMars says.After implementing your new corporate values program, follow up with a survey and evaluation to track and monitor the effectiveness of your workplace ethic efforts.Creating, communicating and integrating company ethics into your workplace requires a commitment at all levels of the organization to the principles in your vision statement.The payoff? Those efforts will draw ethical job candidates to your organization and inspire current employees to al ways act in the best interests of their employer.
Friday, December 13, 2019
6 ways nice people can master conflict
6 ways nice people can master conflict6 ways nice people can master conflictWhen youre a nice partie, conflict can be a real challenge. Not that mean people are any better at conflict they just enjoy it more.Research from Columbia University shows that how you handle conflict can make or break your career. The researchers measured something scientifically that many of us have seen firsthand- people who are too aggressive in conflict situations harm their performance by upsetting and alienating their peers, while people who are too passive at umgang conflict hinder their ability to reach their goals.The secret to effective handling of conflict is assertiveness - that delicate place where you get your needs met without bullying the other person into submission. Assertive people strike a careful balance between passivity and aggression (that is, they never lean too far in either direction).How To Handle Conflict AssertivelyIts easy to think that nice people are too passive. While thats often true, unchecked passivity can boil over into aggression. So there are plenty of very nice people out there who have exhibited both extremes of the assertiveness spectrum.To be assertive, you need to learn to engage in healthy conflict. Healthy conflict directly and constructively addresses the issue at hand without ignoring or trivializing the needs of either cocktailparty. The strategies that follow will get you there.Consider the repercussions of silenceSometimes its hard to muster the motivation to speak up when the likelihood is high that things will turn ugly. The fastest way to motivate yourself to act is to fully consider the costs of not speaking up - theyre typically far greater than not standing up for yourself. The trick is that you need to shift your attention away from the headache that will come with getting involved to all of the things you stand to gain from your assertiveness.Say and instead of butThe simple act of replacing the yep but with and makes confli ct much more constructive and collaborative. Say, for example, that your gruppemate John wants to use the majority of your budget on a marketing campaign, but youre worried that doing so wont leave enough money for a critical new hire. Instead of saying, I see that you want to use the money for marketing, but I think we need to make a new hire, say I see that you want to use the money for marketing, and I think we need to make a new hire. The difference is subtle, but the first sentence minimizes the value of his idea. The second sentence states the herausforderung as you see it, without devaluing his idea, which then opens things up for discussion. Saying and makes the other party feel like youre working with them, rather than against them.Use hypotheticalsWhen you assert yourself, you dont want it to look like youre poking holes in their idea (even when you are). Hypotheticals are the perfect way to pull this off. Telling someone, for example, Your new product idea wont work becau se you overlooked how the sales team operates comes across much more aggressively than suggesting the hypothetical, How do you think our sales team will go about selling this new product? When you see a flaw and present a hypothetical, youre engaging with the original idea and giving the other party a chance to explain how it might work. This shows that youre willing to hear the other person out.Dont speak in absolutes (You Always or You Never.)No one always or never does anything. People dont see themselves as one-dimensional, so you shouldnt attempt to define them as such. Using these phrases during conflict makes people defensive and closed off to your message. Instead, point out what the other person did thats a problem for you. Stick to the facts. If the frequency of the behavior is an issue, you can always say, It seems like you do this often. or You do this often enough for me to notice.Ask good questions until you get to the heart of the matterFailing to understand the motiv e behind someones behavior throws fuel on the fire of conflict, because it makes everything they do appear foolish and shortsighted. Instead of pointing out flaws, you should seek to understand where the other person is coming from. Try asking good questions, such as Why did you choose to do it that way? What do you mean by that? and Can you help me to understand this better? Even when you dont see eye to eye, using questions to get to the underlying motive builds trust and understanding, both of which are conflict killers.When you challenge, offer solutionsPeople dont like it when they feel as if youre attempting to take apart their idea right off the bat. When you challenge someones idea, but also offer a solution, you demonstrate that you want to work together to come up with a fix. This reinforces the value of their idea, even if its full of holes. For example, you might say One potential problem that I see with your idea is ___. However, I think we can overcome this problem if we can just figure out a way to___. In this example, you arent even providing the solution. Youre just acknowledging that youre willing to work together to find one.Bringing It All TogetherMastering conflict requires emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people know how to craft their message in a conflict, whether theyre naturally assertive or not. They take other peoples feelings into account while still asserting themselves confidently.How have you used assertiveness to your advantage? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.Thisarticlefirst appeared on LinkedIn.6 ways nice people can master conflictWhen youre a nice person, conflict can be a real challenge. Not that mean people are any better at conflict they just enjoy it more.Research from Columbia University shows that how you handle conflict can make or break your career. The researchers measured something scientifically that many of us have seen firsthand- people who are too aggressive in conflict situations harm their performance by upsetting and alienating their peers, while people who are too passive at handling conflict hinder their ability to reach their goals.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe secret to effective handling of conflict is assertiveness - that delicate place where you get your needs met without bullying the other person into submission. Assertive people strike a careful balance between passivity and aggression (that is, they never lean too far in either direction).How To Handle Conflict AssertivelyIts easy to think that nice people are too passive. While thats often true, unchecked passivity can boil over into aggression. So there are plenty of very nice people out there who have exhibited both extremes of the assertiveness spectrum.To be assertive, you need to learn to engage in healthy conflict. Healthy conflict directly and constructively addresses the issue at hand without ignoring or trivializing the needs of either party. The strategies that follow will get you there.Consider the repercussions of silenceSometimes its hard to muster the motivation to speak up when the likelihood is high that things will turn ugly. The fastest way to motivate yourself to act is to fully consider the costs of not speaking up - theyre typically far greater than not standing up for yourself. The trick is that you need to shift your attention away from the headache that will come with getting involved to all of the things you stand to gain from your assertiveness.Say and instead of butThe simple act of replacing the word but with and makes conflict much more constructive and collaborative. Say, for example, that your teammate John wants to use the majority of your budget on a marketing campaign, but youre worried that doing so wont leave enough money for a critical new hire. Instead of sayi ng, I see that you want to use the money for marketing, but I think we need to make a new hire, say I see that you want to use the money for marketing, and I think we need to make a new hire. The difference is subtle, but the first sentence minimizes the value of his idea. The second sentence states the problem as you see it, without devaluing his idea, which then opens things up for discussion. Saying and makes the other party feel like youre working with them, rather than against them.Use hypotheticalsWhen you assert yourself, you dont want it to look like youre poking holes in their idea (even when you are). Hypotheticals are the perfect way to pull this off. Telling someone, for example, Your new product idea wont work because you overlooked how the sales team operates comes across much more aggressively than suggesting the hypothetical, How do you think our sales team will go about selling this new product? When you see a flaw and present a hypothetical, youre engaging with the original idea and giving the other party a chance to explain how it might work. This shows that youre willing to hear the other person out.Dont speak in absolutes (You Always or You Never.)No one always or never does anything. People dont see themselves as one-dimensional, so you shouldnt attempt to define them as such. Using these phrases during conflict makes people defensive and closed off to your message. Instead, point out what the other person did thats a problem for you. Stick to the facts. If the frequency of the behavior is an issue, you can always say, It seems like you do this often. or You do this often enough for me to notice.Ask good questions until you get to the heart of the matterFailing to understand the motive behind someones behavior throws fuel on the fire of conflict, because it makes everything they do appear foolish and shortsighted. Instead of pointing out flaws, you should seek to understand where the other person is coming from. Try asking good questions, such as Why did you choose to do it that way? What do you mean by that? and Can you help me to understand this better? Even when you dont see eye to eye, using questions to get to the underlying motive builds trust and understanding, both of which are conflict killers.When you challenge, offer solutionsPeople dont like it when they feel as if youre attempting to take apart their idea right off the bat. When you challenge someones idea, but also offer a solution, you demonstrate that you want to work together to come up with a fix. This reinforces the value of their idea, even if its full of holes. For example, you might say One potential problem that I see with your idea is ___. However, I think we can overcome this problem if we can just figure out a way to___. In this example, you arent even providing the solution. Youre just acknowledging that youre willing to work together to find one.Bringing It All TogetherMastering conflict requires emotional intelligence. Emotionally intell igent people know how to craft their message in a conflict, whether theyre naturally assertive or not. They take other peoples feelings into account while still asserting themselves confidently.How have you used assertiveness to your advantage? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.Thisarticlefirst appeared on LinkedIn.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Pitfall of Realme 3
The Pitfall of Realme 3 The Battle Over Realme 3 and How to Win It It isnt something we cant forgive at this price tag, just something to look at. Additionally selected members will also receive an assured invite for every single official Realme event, together with goodies by the business. For those asking where to purchase Realme 3 Pro, you can get it from Aliexpress. There isnt any way in which everyone can think this is a phone that has a price tag of Rs 8,999. Facts, Fiction and Realme 3 Ensure you download all the essential files and have a backup of entire data on your phone to prevent any deletion. Furthermore, you can like our FB page. You will need to use apps such as Google Duo or Skype for this. Because of this, there isnt a RealMe zugang for organisations and you need to never let another person apply your RealMe login. Realme 3 Help Its your call about what phone you want to purchase. The OPPO Realme 3 Pro is the ideal phone for the conclusion of 2018. Lets see if the characteristics of this phone justify the purchase price The phone is packed with some fantastic features and at a completely reasonable price. Characteristics of Realme 3 Lets take a quick glance at trending smartphones from using this week. There are unquestionably a lot of reason to become excited about the Realme 3 Pro. In the event when you have not received, then here well guide on how best to download and install the newest stable ColorOS 6 on Realme 2 and 2 Pro. Yes, it may find a little warm when playing heavy games but that shouldnt be a cause for concern. Ruthless Realme 3 Strategies Exploited The Realme is packed with a lot of features. What it lacks is a particular pizazz and stand-out capabilities. A 13MP front camera offers you a support when you wish to capture a selfie with friends and family. The effective camera employs a 6-element lens to provide improved clarity and sharpness during the day and night. This smartphone surely is the whole package. You may purchase the handset from here. The camera app is comparable to what we have observed on Realme smartphones before. You will observe that its an all-plastic phone that you will find from its built. Realme 3 the Ultimate Convenience Concerning specs, the Realme 3 ticks the majority of the boxes which you would expect in a phone during its price point. The total delivery cost is figured by package weight. If, however, youre on a strict budget and are trying to find a system that looks smart and comes with very excellent cameras and superior battery life, then the Realme 3 is decidedly one of the principal contenders for your phone space. The Basics of Realme 3 In a brief span of 9 months, Realme has changed into a viable competitor in the Indian smartphone marketplace. Its the very first smartphone introduced in the very first quarter of 2018. The rumor mill has been already referring to the Realme A1 since the last few months. Therefore, when you have a small budget and want a nice smartphone, this could become your pick. The Moto G6 compares nicely with the Honor 9N regarding style and supplies a little more substance too. When these phones arent as fantastic as the Redmi Note 7 Pro, it could be a choice for the decrease budget people. If youre looking out for a phone thats stylish and efficient, then the Realme X is going to be a great choice to decide on. Moreover, the curved boundaries at the dewdrop area add a bit of elegance to this attractive phone. Theres yet another model carrying number RMX1825 that has been certified, and it is going to probably be the Realme A1. Now, as stated by the report, another telephone bearing model number RMX1825 will debut before the conclusion of the very first quarter. Additionally, it increases the inclusiveness of the display making it appear as a portion of the phone. While the Realme C1 variant wont be an all-new device, the organization is anticipated to launch its initial 201 9 smartphone very soon. Theres a great deal of value to have with this gadget. 20,000 priced device and doesnt wish to lose out on the most recent trends. Reboot your device and delight in the update. Realme also provides a dedicated microSD card slot which lets you expand storage. Even though the specific date of Realme 3 release date has not yet been announced yet its anticipated to be published by the end of March 2019. Additionally, it will come with more RAM and storage options if you truly wish to go all out. In addition, it offers an external memory slot that can be expanded up to 256GB thats huge and ensure therell not be a shortage of the storage space. Key Pieces of Realme 3 The Realme 2 Pro has a bigger battery, however, and a less expensive price. Additionally, Realme C1 appears to have an edge over the Redmi 6A so far as camera and battery specifications are involved. Realme 3s 4230 mAh battery should endure for over a day for the majority of users. With thi s kind of wonderful specifications and features, the Realme C2 is a perfect alternative for anybody whos seeking to get a new smartphone.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Resume Writing for Philanthropy Tips & Guide
Resume Writing for Philanthropy Tips & Guide Volunteer Volunteering supplies an excellent chance to try on a new job or career to determine whether it fits. It can be especially useful if you are a recent graduate or trying to change career paths. You also have to recognize that organizations conducting searches have to appear at a lot mora applicants, or so the labor involved with their searches is significantly higher, and you ought to concentrate on distinguishing yourself in your job search. Most charitable organizations provide an abundance of possibilities for people wanting to develop new abilities, develop contacts and investigate new career paths. Resume Writing for Philanthropy Fundamentals Explained Your resume often is going to be the very first opportunity you must leave a great impression with a possible employer. As a consequence, the workers from the community will develop loyalty and a higher degree of commitment to the work in the business. To conclude, its obvious that strategic philanthropy denotes the involvement of a business in the welfare of the community in pursuits of profits. Furthermore, philanthropy motivates the employees in the workplace and therefore raising their productivity. Review job help to have a feeling of what employers want to find. To find out more on what it requires to be a Team Manager, take a look at our complete Team Manager Job Description. You would need to fulfill the needs of the job, but if youre able to relocate, you might have an edge. Youre searching for a new job, but you want a great deal more than just work. Or perhaps youre searching to self-publish, but you wish to ensure that your books sparkles before you commence marketing it. You are a newcomer to the job marketplace. In our experience, the most efficient approach to market ones services is by way of a live, personal presentation. Moreover, exactly the same community buys products from the provider thus enabling the enterpr ise to earn profits. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Writing for Philanthropy Concentrate on the quantifiable outcomes of your projects and roles, as well as what you need to offer you a possible employer. Our resume examples offer inspiration, but more importantly guidance on the best way to structure and compose the elements. Writing grant applications is a major activity for the majority of non-profits. For instance, it aids the organization to implement its objectives. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Writing for Philanthropy If youre arranging a move to some other city, your existing address may confuse the hiring manager. Volunteer work may have a larger impact for you than a seasoned candidate, and that means you wish to draw the reader in from the beginning. The very first step comes once you learn the news. In the procedure for studying the topic, it was apparent that theres a mutual relationship between the business and the community.
Friday, November 29, 2019
A Guide to Bank of Americas Student Leaders Program
A Guide to Bank of Americas Student Leaders ProgramA Guide to Bank of Americas Student Leaders ProgramThe Bank of America offers a full range of banking, investing, and financial services. There are many internship opportunities available with the firm. Student Leaders Program Bank of Americas Student Leaders Program is part of the companys broader Neighborhood Excellence Initiative, which is their signature philanthropic program. The program offers an eight-week internship experience where students will work at a gemeinntzig/charitable organization. As part of the Student Leaders Program, students will attend a Student Leadership Summer in Washington, DC, for one week in July to gain valuable leadership skills to help them get the most out of the program. All expenses are paid for the Leadership Summit since it is included as a strong foundation for the Student Leaders Program. Bank of Americas corporate philanthropy helps to promote building healthy communities by creating stro ng leaders and by helping to develop stronger communities. Through philanthropic management, individuals can search via foundations, program types, and areas to come up with a list of grants they can apply to. The Grant Programs The grant programs were established as a philanthropic endeavor to help build strong neighborhoods and to train young people in becoming leaders with an interest in partnering with national organizations to help build stronger and healthier communities. The grant programs focus on education, community development, neighborhood preservation, art, and culture, as well as health and menschenwrdig services. Students will get the chance to work alongside local community leaders to identify economic and social priorities and address critical neighborhood needs. The Student Leaders Program offers participants an opportunity to improve communities, learning about ways to become leaders and make a difference to those in need who are less fortunate and can use the assistance to help them create a better life for themselves and their neighbors. The program is open to U.S. high school juniors and seniors and high school students in the UK. There is a lot of information available on the website about the Student Leaders Program and what students have accomplished in the past. Hearing about past student experiences can provide additional information on the important impact that these programs can provide. Students interested in the Student Leaders Program must Currently be a junior or senior in high school (U.S. markets)Be enrolled in Sixth Form/College or College of Further Education (Ages 1618) (London, UK)Be able to participate in a week-long Student Leadership Summit in Washington, DC (July)Be able to participate in an 8-week paid internship at a local nonprofit/charitable organizationBe legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship (U.S. markets)Be a student in good standing at his/her school Location Students can apply for positions in the U.S. or the United Kingdom. To Apply Student applications and the application deadline for the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative Student Leaders awards can be viewed online. Applicants can also check the status of their application online. In addition to the Student Leaders Program, other Neighborhood Excellence Programs include the Neighborhood Builders Program and the Local Heroes ?Program.? Bank of Americas Matching Gifts, Volunteer Grants, and Joe Martin Scholarshipsoffer students an opportunities to gain valuable knowledge working for Americas largest bank.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
This is how you should sound in a salary negotiation
This is how you should sound in a salary negotiationThis is how you should sound in a salary negotiationWhen a recruiter first tells you the numbers behind the job offer, your immediate reaction can set the tone of the salary negotiation that will follow. You may feel nervous and excited, recognizing that your base salary could set the foundation for your financial future. You want to get it right and negotiate the best salary offer you can. With this pressure, asking for more money can be a stressful, nerve-wracking experience, but it does notlagelage have to be. Here is what you need to sound likeYou should sound matter-of-factTo get your tone right, you need to recognize that a salary negotiation for a new job is not a plea deal. You do not need to build up a long case for why you deserve more money, citing data, facts, and wants. This is a business deal, not personal attack. There may be personal stakes for you in this negotiation, but for the person on the other side, it is busi ness as usual.When Ask a Managers Alison Green roleplays a salary negotiation with a guest on her podcast, she sounds matter-of-fact when she simply asks, Any option you can go up to X? There is no hesitation or pleading in her voice. As Green puts it, If you were hiring a handyman for your house, you would just be like, Hey, any chance you can get it done for X?Same tone here.Its business, youre business people, youre both looking for what you need, and this is just you expressing your side of that.Use silence to your advantageAnother way to sound more confident is to think about how the words are coming out of your mouth. Are you jumbling your questions together in the hopes you can get this over with or in your desire to get your point across? Slow down the tempo of the negotiation. When you sound calm and measured in your responses, you come across as more thoughtful and confident.Listen closely to the other person, pause for a while to show you are thinking about what they said , and keep your response slow and calm. This conveys respect but confidence in your position, psychotherapist Sally Hall recommends in negotiations like these. After you state your request for a higher number, keep quiet. Do not fill in the silence and backtrack your case with nervous babble. Sometimes, a long pause can be the moment needed for a hiring manager to process your request and realize that you are serious about your desired number.When you talk like a confident business person, you become one that can be respected by your negotiators. Do not underestimate the power of a confident, matter-of-fact tone when conveying requests.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Product Manager Job Description
Product Manager Job DescriptionProduct Manager Job DescriptionProduct Manager Job DescriptionThis product manager sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Product Manager Job ResponsibilitiesDevelops products by identifying potential products conducting market research generating product requirements determining specifications, production timetables, pricing, and time-integrated plans for product introduction developing marketing strategies.Product Manager Job DutiesDetermines customers needs and desires by specifying the research needed to obtain market information.Recommends the nature and scope of present and future product lines by reviewing product specifications and requirements appraising new product ideas and/or product or packaging changes.Assesses market competition by comparing the company s product to competitors products.Provides source data for product line communications by defining product marketing communication objectives.Obtains product market share by working with abverkauf director to develop product sales strategies.Assesses product market data by calling on customers with field salespeople and evaluating sales call results.Provides information for management by preparing short-term and long-term product sales forecasts and special reports and analyses answering questions and requests.Facilitates inventory turnover and product availability by reviewing and adjusting inventory levels and production schedules.Brings new products to market by analyzing proposed product requirements and product development programs preparing return-on-investment analyses establishing time schedules with engineering and manufacturing.Introduces and markets new products by developing time-integrated plans with sales, advertising, and production.Determines product pricing by utili zing market research data reviewing production and sales costs anticipating volume costing special and customized orders.Completes operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees following up on work results.Maintains product management staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees.Maintains product management staff job results by counseling and disciplining employees planning, monitoring, and appraising job results.Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops reviewing professional publications establishing personal networks participating in professional societies.Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Product Manager Skills and QualificationsProduct Management, People Management, Understanding the Customer, Product Development, Requirements Analysis, Pricing, Planning, Competitive Analysis, Sales Planning, Inventory Control, Financial Planning and StrategyEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Product Manager Jobs and apply on now.
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